There is life BEFORE


and there is life AFTER

A Grateful Client Testimonial

I feel "reborn" and believe anything is possible for me! 


"Two and a half years ago, I found myself numb and disconnected with myself, my life and everyone in it. I had a job, owned a house, had many supportive relationships in my life, but I knew something was lacking. I heard Rebeccah on Confession Tuesday and decided to contact her. I figured I would try life coaching as nothing I was doing seemed to be working in my life.
My life has taken a 180-degree turn since working with Rebeccah. The life I only dreamed of has become a reality and it's directly correlated with the work I have done with Rebeccah.
For the first time in my life, I am not afraid. I have re-created myself though acquired leadership and communication skills. Through this work I became empowered to apply to a Harvard Doctoral program. Once a fantasy, attending Harvard is now a possibility. I am now debt-free with a thriving savings account balance. I've been accepted into a holistic life coaching program. My mental and physical well-being are at an all time best. Meditation and gratitude now embellish my "new life story" as opposed to my "old life story" of fear, guilt, shame and resentment. I have a loving relationship with my significant other. I received a promotion. I have more self confidence and the strategies and tools to handle whatever comes my way. I feel "reborn" and believe anything is possible for me.
My once timid and unhappy self has been revamped into someone who can have it all. Co-workers, friends, and family notice the new me and ask what I have been doing differently. I attribute it to the work I have done with Rebeccah. She continues to challenge and support me in achieving my highest self."

- A grateful client 

Sandy Scholl Testimonial

I cried and screamed for weeks but I now understand I couldn’t heal until I was able, unapologetically, to release the pain I had been carrying for years.


"I have been working with Rebeccah Silence for 7 years. I was in a very dark place trying to understand and adjust to the end of my 40 year marriage. Rebeccah provided a safe place allowing me to express all my feelings with no judgement. I cried and screamed for weeks but I now understand I couldn’t heal until I was able, unapologetically, to release the pain I had been carrying for years. Rebeccah offered tools to help me slowly let go of the power I had freely given to my ex. I began to take my own power back and rediscovered the woman I had been hiding. I had denied my wants for years.

How freeing it was to dig deep with Rebeccah’s encouragement and remember my personal dreams. Rebeccah guided me during many break throughs along the way allowing me to tear down the walls I had built to protect myself. Together we tore down those walls brick by brick. It is hard to think where my life would be right now if I hadn’t met Rebeccah.

I do know I have a much clearer vision of who I really am and to once again love myself. I have learned the true meaning of commitment, gratitude, love and vision and I try to incorporate this new understanding in my daily life. I continue to learn more and more everyday. Something good always comes out of every tragedy or heartbreak. Rebeccah will help clear the way for you to find it."

-Sandy Scholl 

Becky Plunkett Testimonial

My life was forever changed, by the solid support and unconditional love of Rebeccah. 


"As I am driving on my way to work one day, I turn on the radio, and hear a voice that I can only describe as powerful. I was in the middle of a messy divorce, scattered, and living in fear. This voice was in the middle of answering a question, and what she said almost made me drive into
a ditch. I needed to meet her, and have her answer my questions, because I had a ton of them! My life was forever changed, by the solid support and unconditional love of Rebeccah.
She has guided me and my family to live our lives through love, connection, and purpose. While I was coaching with her, I made connections with other strong women, who still remain a huge part of my life. Rebeccah’s coaching also included my oldest son, Dylon, and her compassion and leadership continues to have a ripple effect in our daily lives and choices."

-Becky Plunkett

Linda Stewart Testimonial

I am forever grateful to Rebeccah for helping me heal some very deep emotional scars.


"Several years ago, I attended one of her weekend retreats and It was the best gift I ever gave myself. It was a very intense weekend and I was able to completely focus on my emotional well-being in a safe, peaceful setting.

During one session I experienced a major breakthrough with regard to the loss of my son who died in a tragic accident when he was 10 months old. Needless to say, I felt broken, depressed and hopeless. I had no idea how much guilt, pain and sorrow I had been suppressing deep within my soul for decades.

Working with Rebeccah that weekend was life-changing although mentally exhausting and, at times, gut wrenching, it was 100 percent worth it. I will never be able to thank her for the work we did that weekend. I have also continued my wellness journey with Rebeccah in the years since the retreat"

-Linda Stewart

Michelle Klosek Review

My work with Rebeccah is invaluable. 


"I didn’t realized the paradigm I was in with negative self talk, playing out the drama triangle, attracting people and things into my life that didn’t serve me. 
I was judgmental, resentful and critical of myself and people around me. I was stuck and depressed. I didn’t know there were more possibilities in my life to explore.

My energy has changed. I love myself now and radiate that love to others. I feel free and more energetic. All my relationships have changed for the better. I’m leading in my life for once.  
Life is good."❤

-Michelle Klosek

Bethany Testimonial

I now know what LOVE actually looks like.


"Dear Rebeccah,

I am very thankful that I have you in my life. It has been through working with you that I have been able to turn my life around and have been living my life by my dreams and goals, from a place of strength instead of fear!

Also, I want to thank you for the amazing gift of being able to see what love actually looks like, you are amazing! I have learned so much from you.

I thank God for your amazing talent in touching my life and the lives of those around you. You helped me tremendously and for that I am forever thankful! "


B.D. Testimonial

The work Rebeccah and I have done together has enabled me to leap forward in my life and make the Big Jump! 


"I appreciate the tools she brings to the table, her ability to listen with an open heart, and how she is never judgmental in her observations which really makes it easy for me to learn about myself. Thank you Rebeccah for all you have done!"


Cheri Testimonial

You taught me how to love unconditionally.


"Dear Rebeccah,

How do I even begin to tell you how much you mean to me? When we started coaching last year, I was looking for a mentor as I dabbled in a new interest of becoming a life coach that now has become an exciting career adventure. I quickly learned I had my own stuff to work through before I could help others.

You helped me in so many ways:

I have healed wounds to a point of tolerance and where they don't rule my life. You taught me how to love unconditionally and to let go of control. And you led me to Legacy, where I solidified my desire to become a holistic life coach. You are one of the strongest and most courageous women I know, and your story continues to inspire me."


Maggie Martin Riley Testimonial

I have found so many elements that I long for in a coach.


"Working with Rebeccah I have found so many elements that I long for in a coach. She is warm and welcoming and kind AND a total hardass, doesn't buy my BS and believes deeply in my ability to heal and transform. She has not only been my coach but has also been my teacher as I have learned how to become a coach. I now find myself having moments in my work when I try to channel Rebeccah- her ability to open a person up to breakthrough, get connected to their inner child, and feeling the things kept locked away. She has helped me see in myself that feeling to heal is the real medicine. "

-Maggie Martin Riley

Mary Beth Beaton Testimonial

Rebeccah provided me with a perfect balance of support to heal through the "stuck" and start crushing my goals.


"Rebeccah Silence is a truly gifted healer who has helped me expand and transform my life on levels I only ever dreamed of achieving. When I began my own healing work with her I had absolutely no idea what the impact of un-healed childhood trauma could do to an individual's growth. As a child I experienced sexual and emotional abuse that carried out into my adulthood and highly impacted my relationships. Rebeccah provided me with a perfect balance of support to heal through the "stuck" and start crushing my goals. Her personal experience, education and genuine connection with me helped, and continue to help, me grow as a successful and empowered business owner, mother and partner. I am forever grateful, Rebeccah!!"

-Mary Beth Beaton | Owner of Evolve Health & Wellness

Heather Delia | Utica Coffee Roasting Testimonial

I have learned to not put up with things I normally would allow.


"There is nothing better you can do for yourself than to grow and learn about who you really are, your true authentic self. We started our journey with Rebeccah to help my step-daughter adjust to living with us, we won full custody when she was a teenager. We did everything we could to try to make the transition work for all of us. I truly believe we could not have done this so successfully without Rebeccah's help. Seeing how everything went with my step daughter, I decided it was time for me to dig deeper into ME. I attended my first retreat, it was life changing to say the least. I continue to work on me and learn new things with every session.

Currently I'm working on my life timeline. It's completely made me think differently about life. I now know where my triggers in normal life come from! Although the triggers will probably still be there, I've now figured out a way to not let them affect me the way they used to. I have learned to not put up with things I normally would allow. I come first. This was a tough thing for me. I'm so used to giving all of myself to others. I still give, but not to the point that I hurt myself in the process.

Having Rebeccah as a coach will help you stay responsible and keep you on track with obtaining your goals and dreams."


-Heather Delia | Utica Coffee Roasting

"Even I sit back and say, what is happening? Am I dreaming? You put us - me - on this path. Eternal gratitude Rebeccah!"


"For the time I've known and worked with Rebeccah, I've found her to be genuine, sincere, energetic, enthusiastic and empathetic. She shoots straight from the heart instead of from the hip which in my experience, makes her a good coach material."


"Rebeccah's life coaching has the perfect balance of heart and action. She has helped me see through my self-made fog and moved me into clarity and action that moves my life toward the goals I want."


Angela Johnson Testimonial

If you want to heal and launch your life, then Rebeccah is your coach.


"I am honored to recommend Rebeccah Silence. She has supported transformation in my life in many ways. I met Rebeccah by chance and decided to go to one of her Women’s Weekends. I had the first breakthrough of my life and I was changed forever.

The freedom that Rebeccah facilitated continued to show up in my life ever since. Rebeccah coached me in healing grief around my mom's passing, launching a new business, leaving the corporate world, and so much more.

Rebeccah was the catalyst for me to create multiple businesses, becoming an Integrative Holistic Life Coach, and grow closer to who I was meant to be.

I had never met someone that was so committed to growth and possibility. If you want to heal and launch your life, then Rebeccah is your coach.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Rebeccah for your love, support, and sharing your gifts with us all."

-Angela Johnson 

What will your new story be? 

Time to Find Out!

Coach With Rebeccah
Toy Holmes Testimonial

It was a tremendous honor to be supported and upheld in that way, and the POWERFUL affirming energy of that space carried me through another tough oncology appointment the next day!


"Rebeccah, THANK YOU for seeing, hearing, and welcoming me to share my journey with your beloved Healing is Possible community!  

It was a tremendous honor to be supported and upheld in that way, and the POWERFUL affirming energy of that space carried me through another tough oncology appointment the next day!

I walked into my appointment with full confidence to challenge formalities and initiate difficult discourse that pushed the doctors out of their comfort zones. And though I was denied at first, they finally agreed on a 'compromise' to meet my request for personalized/individualized cancer treatment.

Thankfully though, no compromise was needed!

I moved on and met with Oncologist #5, who immediately suggested a custom treatment plan upfront that had never been offered before (rather than the standard one-size-fits-all approach I'd been offered four times prior!)

I didn't need to debate or beg— and no compromising necessary! :)

Healing is Possible is a wonderfully sacred reminder of our innate power...

It is an invaluable container for anyone with the audacity to believe they can have the new life they deserve!!!!"

- Toy Holmes

Ann Lee Jeffreys Testimonial

My daughter tells my all the time how happy she is and how much she loves her life now, words I never get tired of hearing! 


"My daughter Amanda and I started seeing Rebeccah approximately 8 years ago.  Amanda had been in counseling since she was 12 years old for depression and anger issues. Years went by and so did different counselors, 7 all together, but nothing changed. In fact, her behaviors got worse with different medications she was taking. I had to put her in a 24 residential home at 23 because she was now hurting herself and I couldn't be with her all the time. She accused me of giving her up to Residential Treatment.

She didn't understand that I needed to make sure she was safe, that I couldn't come home from work one day and find her on the floor. Amanda was in her early 30's when her case worker called me and told me about someone she heard on the radio that she thought could help. I was willing to try anything so I called the number she gave me.  That was the beginning of our journey with Rebeccah.

I called Rebeccah that day and told her what was going on. She told me this would be a family deal and I would also be involved with sessions. She immediately set up appointments for both of us. 

I had no idea how much she would help both of us!  She broke through Amanda's defenses, got her talking about the past and gave her coping methods to help her deal with her emotions.

My daughter went from living in a 24 hour residential home to living in her own apartment. She has a job she loves and the independence to come and go as she pleases. She has given speeches telling her success story, won an achievement award and with the help of Rebeccah written a book entitled "I Chose Happiness." She worked hard to achieve her goals with Rebeccah helping her but also holding her accountable for her actions.

My life also changed dramatically. I never felt I needed counseling until I started opening up with Rebeccah. As a result I had the courage to leave a job I had been at for 30 years. I was in a very toxic environment that was literally killing me. I now have a wonderful job working with great people who appreciate what I have to offer. Three years ago I was diagnosed with cancer - a complete shock, I have always been very healthy! 

Rebeccah was there for me whenever I needed her. During surgery, chemo and radiation I knew she would be there for me. To this day she has been there for both of us. I am happy to say that both Amanda and I are happy and healthy both mentally and physically thanks to Rebeccah!

I have recommended Rebeccah to a number of people knowing she can help them as much as she has helped Amanda and I. My daughter tells my all the time how happy she is and how much she loves her life now, words I never get tired of hearing! 

Thank you Rebeccah for reaching Amanda when no one else could, for your unconditional support through the really tough times and the good times and for always being there with words of encouragement and love for both of us! 

We love you so much!"

-Ann Lee Jeffreys

Elesa Vigil Testimonial

I could finally breathe again. It still feels surreal.


"It was an absolute honor and privilege to work with Rebeccah. I walked away
from our session feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted off of my

The way that Rebeccah was able to put things into perspective for me, made me feel as though I could finally breathe again. It still feels surreal.

Not only did she help me pinpoint pivotal moments throughout my journey, but she created a safe space for me to process and release pain that I had been holding onto and internalizing for many years.

With Rebeccah’s help, I was able to forgive myself, and I was able to forgive others. Our work together was a truly humbling experience.

Thank you Rebeccah, for you so kindly and gracefully brought me back down to earth, and made me realize that healing is entirely possible."

With Love,
Elesa Vigil

Ann Evans, Owner Gypsy Girl Pizza Testimonial

I sincerely believe that I would not be where I am today, living the life of my dreams, if I didn’t have the courage to pick up the phone and call her all those years ago.


"I found Rebeccah 7 years ago at a very low and sad point in my life. I felt sad, depressed and stuck. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think I could do anything. I spent my childhood watching and learning that you just had to deal with it. Deal with the sadness and the feeling of not having any control over your life. Dealing with your situation because you had children and you didn’t want to hurt anybody. And, blaming other people for your  suffering.

And then I heard Rebeccah on the radio. What she said was so different from anything I ever heard before, so I made an appointment to see her. I’ll never forget my first visit with her….it was the first time anybody ever held me accountable for where I was  in my life. Man, that was a tough thing to hear! But, I kept going back to her. I learned to stop pointing my finger and blaming others for my suffering. I’ve learned that I can have my life exactly how I want it and  I can have rich and meaningful relationships. I’ve learned that I don’t have to tolerate ANYTHING ever again.

I’ve been with Rebeccah for 7 years now. I  have attended multiple retreats and coach with her on a steady basis. My life looks completely different now. I  have a thriving business, I’m engaged to the love of my life, my relationships with my children are stronger than ever and I have a tribe of women that always have my back. I did the work, but she gave me the space, the tools and the unconditional love to be the real me with her. I’m so grateful that I have her in my life. I sincerely believe that I would not be where I am today, living the life of my dreams, if I didn’t have the courage to pick up the phone and call her all those years ago.

Thank you, Rebeccah, for all you do."


- Ann Evans, Owner Gypsy Girl Pizza