The Emotional Survival Kit Course

Unlock a Life of Joy, Trust, and Inner Peace

Your Most Beautiful Life Awaits

Tap into your resilience and courage. You've always invested in yourself; now thrive. Remember when you felt free? That should be every day. Take this easy to follow course, and it will be. Solidify yourself, and your family and relationships benefit. Move from fitting into others' agendas to a life that fits you. Let’s unlock your true potential.

Get My Emotional Survival Kit

Thousands Now Experience Fun, Joy, and Peace in Life, Even Though They Didn't Believe it Was Possible.

This course is for:


So that you can econnect and experience love with more intimacy and deeper conversations.


So that everybody gets to be who they are and not who they are expected to be.



So that you can claim the vision for where you want your life to go and uplevel your identity beyond "just surviving"

You Can Know, Love, and Trust Yourself Right Now

You're one click away from your most beautiful life

What would it be like to know yourself so deeply that you trust yourself no matter what? What would it be like to rest in peace, love, and joy regardless of circumstances? Imagine having fun, especially at home, as a guiding principle of your life.

This is exactly what my clients experience day in and day out after working with me—whether it's a single session or ongoing for years.

Your life is meant to feel good. You are meant to be empowered. Life at home is supposed to be glorious, and it’s not nearly as out of reach as you might think.

After almost two decades of private practice and clinical experience working with thousands of wonderful leaders like you, I can confidently say there’s no case I haven’t cracked. Exhaustion can heal. Inner turmoil can heal. Anxiety can heal. Past trauma can heal. Depression can heal. Over-functioning can heal. Relationship dramas, wounds, and heartbreaks can heal.

You’re ready for more than just mindset and strategy work. You’re ready for a spiritual journey back to the best version of yourself so you can enjoy all the best that life has to offer. And I am your perfect next step. My work works, and I live it. My work has saved my life and has set countless clients and audiences free.

Your most beautiful life awaits. All it takes is learning how to tap into the resilience and courage that’s already within you.

You’re no stranger to investing in yourself, and now is your time to let peace and love into your life.

Take the first step now, and click below to start letting peace and love into your life.


Money-Back Guarantee

Not sure if this course will deliver? I am absolutely certain my system works. That's why I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If after completing the course you don’t see a benefit to the work you’ve done, you can get a full refund. My only condition is you send us proof that you went through all the course lessons and homework.

Are You Working More to Be Happier at Home?

Has work become your safe place to get away from home life? You're not alone. Hundreds of couples, families, and individuals only found peace at work before using my courses, coaching, and reading my book. Find peace and fulfillment in your whole life by buying 



Why I Created This Course


I know what it feels like to be lost, adrift in a sea of emotional chaos. There was a time when even though I was a successful high-achiever, I was caught in a cycle of toxic relationships and self-destructive behaviors. From growing up in an abusive home to facing domestic violence in my own marriage, my life seemed like a never-ending spiral of pain. But here's the thing, I always knew deep down that there was more to life, a better way.

I had my wake-up call during my time working in a psychiatric hospital and later, a rehab facility. I realized that so many people were suffering not because they were broken, but because they lacked the tools to heal and grow emotionally. That was my light bulb moment. I decided to dedicate my life to understanding the human psyche, and after years of struggle, learning, and investment in my own growth, I finally found my true calling and created the practice of emotional healing.

But life didn't stop happening. Just when I thought I'd reached a point of stability, I was hit with a cancer diagnosis while pregnant with my second child. It was my personal and spiritual rock bottom, but also my greatest teacher. I leaned into the same emotional healing techniques that I teach today, and I came through it—stronger, wiser, and more aligned with my purpose.

Now, I want to share these life-changing tools with you through The Emotional Survival Kit Course. If I can reclaim my life and rediscover the joy and peace of living, so can you. Trust me; you're stronger than you think.

Are you ready to take the first step toward endless peace without guilt or shame?

I'm Ready for Endless Peace

"I started to forget how truly painful my trauma was. I had so much fun in the course. I got through the scariest parts of doing the work on myself, without even realizing it. Now, I have fun, joy, and peace back in my life. "

- Spencer

What You Get As Soon As You Press Play

Deep Dive Experience #1: Unshakeable Commitment

Hey, have you ever kicked off a journey of healing or growth and then... fizzled out? Maybe you feared you wouldn't finish or make lasting change. This is your safe zone to ditch those fears. Building on the work you've done with the Aligned Intimacy Method, I'm gonna show you how to cement your commitment like never before. Ready to be unstoppable?

Deep Dive Experience #2: A Life Unveiled

Feeling like you're stuck on a hamster wheel of existence but not living? Let's get you out of that rut and into your life's purpose. This isn't about going through motions—it's about defining your truest sense of fulfillment. The life you're dying to live? We start building it here.

Deep Dive Experience #3: Ripple of Influence

Frustrated because you feel powerless to impact the world around you? Stop waiting. You’re a force, and I’ll show you how to harness that power today to make the difference you've always wanted to. Feel good now, not someday.

Deep Dive Experience #4: Embrace the Feels

Ever felt flooded by your emotions, like they're enemies? What if they were actually your allies? I'm going to teach you how to navigate through any emotional storm and come out smiling on the other side. Emotions become your compass, not your chaos.

Deep Dive Experience #5: The Trust Code

Got trust issues? Whether it's with yourself or others, this is where we build your fortress of faith. No more letting past hurt sabotage your future. You'll walk away knowing how to trust—come what may.

Deep Dive Experience #6: The Core of Confidence

Life throws curveballs. But what if you could catch 'em all and throw 'em right back? Here, you'll gain the resilience and confidence to navigate anything life throws your way. You’ve got this, and I’m going to show you how you already have all the tools you need.

Deep Dive Experience #7: The Gift of Time

Ever lie awake worrying about running out of time? Let’s debunk that myth. We're going to align your timeline with your life's purpose, so you can quit worrying and start living. Time's on your side, and I'll prove it to you.

These Exclusive Bonuses Are Worth the Investment By Themselves


The game-changing Emotional Survival Kit Workbook, with practical exercises for each course lesson.

Emotional Emergency Toolkit, with meditations and paradigm shifts to help you when new challenges arise. 

Director's Cut: Extended Teaching to Help You Stay Committed on Your Healing Journey. 

Beyond the Healing: Your 13-Week Accountability Workbook to Implement Lessons, Integrate Growth, and Make Wholeness a New Way of Life. 

I Want My Exclusive Bonuses

After Completing This Course, You Can Have All of This

Unleash Your Inner GPS

Why settle for what you think you can get, when deep down you know what you truly desire? I’ll guide you to that untapped part of yourself that's been waiting to be heard. Become the you that effortlessly attracts what you want.

Master the Art of Soul Care

Forget cookie-cutter self-care routines. Here, you'll discover how to love and honor yourself in your own unique way. So that every moment becomes an act of self-respect and self-love.

Unlock Crystal-Clear Insight

Feeling lost? Overwhelmed? I get it. This is your roadmap to unshakable clarity. Imagine knowing exactly what steps to take next—because now you will.

Ignite Your Life Spark

Get ready to feel not just better, but fully alive. This is about transcending "fine" or "okay" and tasting what it means to live your life in vibrant color.


Break Your Own Chains

No more feeling trapped by your past, your fears, or your hesitations. Learn how to set yourself free, and trust me, it’s more liberating than you’ve ever imagined.

Discover Your Happy Haven

Tired of chasing elusive happiness? Stop chasing. Start living. Here's your blueprint to not just momentary joy but sustained, authentic happiness. Welcome home.

Cultivate Unbreakable Bonds

Ever wonder why some relationships stand the test of time while others crumble? Unlock the secret to forming and maintaining relationships that not only last but thrive. Your connections will go from fragile to unbreakable, enriching your life in ways you've only dreamed of.

Hear The Stories of Those Who Returned to Themselves Again

"What can I say? It really REALLY works. I resisted doing the work with her for as long as I could, but I finally relented and let her course help me, and the results are life changing"
-Max Gerson
"So many people have larger trauma than you can imagine, and now I have never felt more connected to myself and women. I'm confident and fulfilled. It is beyond life-changing. I feel everyone should experience this".
"After this, I'm raising the bar. On the spot, healing was way more beneficial than ever before. I'm leaving the course showing the world the real me. I want everyone to experience this".
"I am free. The number one best thing I have done for myself".
"I wanted freedom from the heaviness, and I learned how to uncommit from the shit and my challenges".
"I learned how to just start being who I want to be, my highest self".
"This was another huge step in my wonderful journey. I learned how to overcome self-destruction".

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Ready for Unstoppable Fun, Joy, and Love?

Buy The Emotional Survival Kit to unlock your unstoppable peace in your life. It's more than a course—it's your path to unwavering fun, freedom, love, and peace. Reclaim your peace now.
Get Your Emotional Survival Kit